Christmas Touches

Christmas Touches

Christmas is in full swing around The Manor so I thought I would share one of my favorite things.

I love this little guy…..

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Christmas Mantel 2013

Christmas Mantel 2013

My Christmas Mantel………

A mixture of Gold, Silver, Crystals, Greenery and Lights



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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

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I know, I know…’s not even Thanksgiving yet but for me, the season begins early in November (the day after Halloween!).  That way, I can take my time and really enjoy the magic of the season!


I begin November 1st

with my tree!Continue reading

Dollar Store Hurricane Candles

Dollar Store Hurricane Candles

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I’ve been on the dollar store bandwagon lately!!!

I’ve seen these Williams-Sonoma knock offs all over internet and decided I needed a couple! Continue reading