Winter Mantel

Winter Mantel

I must make an admission…..I wasn’t going to publish this post.  The pictures are too dark, fuzzy and just below par and I want my blog posts to be kept to a high standard.  But then I had a talk with myself (do you do that?) and decided that no one and nothing is perfect and I will  look back on this in a year, or two or three, and I will have hopefully improved my skills in all areas and appreciate where I was.
So, here ya go!
Keep it simple!

That’s one of my goals this coming year!

So, here’s my Winter Mantel!!


My lamps, clocks and Chinese vase returned and I just added few winter objects!


A glittery white bird was added to my branches….


…..and I picked up this little guy at an after Christmas sale for $2!!



I love how “woodsy” he appears and he’s dusted with a light glitter like he’s been out in the snow!


I added two of his friends to the mix!  These two were also picked up at an after Christmas sale a couple of years ago!  Their tales are fluffy and soft!  Yes, the little guy is missing his ear!  A little “boo boo” like that doesn’t keep me from buying some thing for pennies.  Would you have noticed if I didn’t tell you?



I adore this pair of mercury glass candle holders with their snowflake designs.  I added some plastic pine cones for height and color!!


I love this metal basket our family received at Christmas filled with wonderful goodies! I tossed in a few logs to keep the fire going (if we ever cool down again!)



Hope everyone is keeping nice and warm this winter!!

Until next time……..



  1. Doreen Sargente :

    With or without an ear, he’s a cutie!

    We had another snow storm today. I’m about ready to throw in the towel! So tell me…is it 80 degrees down there? Go ahead. I can take it.

  2. Looks great Angela. I hear ya about not always having the best photos. I vow to not spend hours on a post. One of my blog friends told me that it took her 3 hrs. to do a post. WOW, way too busy to spend that amount of time. I just do the best I can. Not always perfect, but that’s life. lol! The little critters are cute. I just thought one ear was turned down.

    • Thanks Jann! I must admit I have also spent longer than 3 hours on a post and thought “never again”! This needs to be fun, right?!! Thank you for being so kind. Hugs……Ang

  3. mrs. hines class :

    I love the woodland creatures….so cute. And not having an ear makes the squirrel even cuter. (I would not have noticed if you didn’t point it out.)

  4. I’m glad you posted! Yes it gives you courage. And it looked inviting too. Reusing the gift tin with logs looked great. Like the clocks and lights. Plus tall branches and bird. Here, we went shopping for a certain perennial mum that blooms soon. Did find a few. Flowers and green rye grass lawns are the expected winter norm. So a winter mantel looks refreshingly winter like!!!

  5. Angela, your mantle is gorgeous! And your pictures look very pretty to me, so glad you posted. I love the vase with the branches and the little “guys” look like they just belong on your mantle. I really, really like your mercury candle holders with the pine cones. What a beautiful idea. Such great inspiration all around!

  6. Your mantel is beautiful for winter! It’s a shame we all worry so much about the pictures. The truth is that on dark winter days it’s impossible for them to be perfect unless you are a professional photographer. Worrying about the picture quality keeps me from posting and that’s not good!

  7. The squirrels and pinecones are perfect. Love it Angela. I always transition right into Spring right after Valentines day. I should do a winter mantel.

  8. Once again, a beautiful job. Love the furry squirrels and woodsy!

  9. shirley@housepitalitydesigns :

    I am skipping my winter mantel and going straight to Spring…that will make me happy!…Love your mantel…and your furry friends!!!

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