Kitchen cupboard dilemma!!

Kitchen cupboard dilemma!!

Yesterday, I got a whim to make a decorating change.

Not a small whim, mind you, like changing out pillows or  rearranging furniture.

No…..I decided to take off some of my kitchen cupboard doors!

Of course, one thing led to another….(not to mention my dear hubby surprising me by coming home early from work! Ha! The surprise was on him!) But, after a long day of cleaning and purging and rearranging and figuring out how to set up my dishes and glassware, I stepped away and I……….can’t decide!

I need your help!

Here are my cabinets “before”….IMG_2013

And here is the “after”…


What do you think?  My vision is to paint the inside a darker color (black, maybe) and then paint the outside of the cupboard an antique cream.  I am also considering putting glass fronts on these cupboards……so many decisions!!  HELP!!!!

My lower cabinets are a cherry wood and I thought I would leave them that color?  I’m unsure about using two different colors on cabinets.  What are your thoughts?


Antique cream up top, cherry wood on the bottom?  Is it okay to paint the top and leave the bottom the original wood without painting??  So many questions!!!!

I was thinking to tie in the “island” by painting it antique cream but leaving the top black.


Then again, maybe I should just leave it all well enough alone!!

Drop me a line and give me advice!

Now, I better get to cooking dinner!

Until next time………







  1. Angela,

    I love it! What a great way to create a new look for your kitchen! The white ware looks so pretty!


  2. Love the new look…We think if you paint the upper you must do the lower…. We like the current color with painting inside dark and leaving the upper open.

  3. Love it!! Different and innovative, and I agree, the white ware looks lovely!


  1. [...] Ok guys!  Remember my kitchen cupboard dilemma?  For those of you who are new to me, you can see my original post HERE. [...]

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