Spring tweaking!!

Spring tweaking!!

I think we’re all ready for spring by now regardless of where you live!  The temperatures in South Texas have been warm and pleasant (which we will pay for come summer since we haven’t had a “hard” freeze…..bugs will be bad!!!). The nurseries have flowers out and the birds have returned!  I’m refraining from planting blooms just yet in hopes we may get one last cold night but I think it’s just wishful thinking…..


I needed to get a little spring on so I started adding touches to the front porch.


I just love having a big front porch with rocking chairs and a swing.



My husband and I love spending time out here watching the neighbors stroll by and watching the many deer that share our yard.


There’s plenty more to do but right now I think I’ll get a glass of lemonade and enjoy the morning!

Have a beautiful day!




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