Paved Patio Addition to Pond

Paved Patio Addition to Pond

As most of you know, hubby and I have been building a pond this summer!


If you missed it, you can see it here!


In addition to the pond, we wanted to extend our paved patio around the pond and connect another patio we built a few years ago that houses my hubby’s “hammock”!

IMG_3883That’s the space in the background!

By this time, we’ve become fairly familiar with how to lay paving stones (if you’d like to see more walkways and patio spaces, click here) but, I thought you might enjoy seeing the transformation!


This is our space before………..


……..and after!


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Backyard Pond

Backyard Pond


We’ve been wanting to add a backyard pond for quite sometime and we had an empty space that was longing for new life!


We positioned a garden hose in the shape and size we wanted…..and hubby began to dig!


A few points you need to know…….Continue reading