I’m taking you back to my office today……..
I finally finished a couple of projects in there and wanted to share.Continue reading
my home.....my love.....my life
I’m taking you back to my office today……..
I finally finished a couple of projects in there and wanted to share.Continue reading
Living in South Texas, we only use our fireplace about 1 week out of the year (just kidding!!)! However, we do use it rather sparingly!! I’d say all total days used equals about a month, so it basically just sits there for 11 months as an unused, ugly piece of prime real estate in my living room just waiting for a decor lift! So, every year around this time, I clean out the lovely “pit”…Continue reading
Hi, I'm Angela and welcome to Twelve Oaks Manor!!! Read Moreā¦
I was surprised and thrilled when I learned that Audra of Joyosphere nominated me for the coveted LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD!! You may ask what this award is all about! It’s an award given to small bloggers (200-1000 followers) by other small bloggers!! Thank you, Audra!! I’m honored!!
Thought I’d share the Rice Krispie Wedding Cake I made for my sons post wedding celebration! Since we had a traditional cake at the actual wedding, we decided to go with something different and fun that everyone would love!!! And, everyone LOVES rice krispie treats!!!
Happy Day Everyone!!!!! Remember my “splash of color” bright green chair I painted for my back yard that smiled at me when I painted her and gave her new flower friends to hold? Well, I decided she needed some friends!
The great gals over at Texas Women Bloggers are conducting a self-interview and I decided to join in!!!
Are you a cloche lover? Me too! I love the glass ones, wire ones, and even cloches that weren’t originally intended to be a cloche!!
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